Stealth Assassin Wallet (V1.1) by Peter Nardi and Marc Spelmann
When Peter Nardi created the Mind Spy and original Stealth wallet; he had a very special wallet made for himself. Peter has used this wallet for the past 6 years, and to this day only one other person has had the pleasure of owning and working with the incredible wallet.
This is Peter Nardi’s updated version of the bestselling Stealth Assassin.
The Stealth Assassin V1.1 has all the great features of the original but now with an extra pocket on the SUC side of the wallet and the magnets are now stitched in place!
Please note the original Stealth Assassin is no longer in production the new V1.1 is now the standard.
Do no be fooled by cheap imitations! The Stealth Assassin is the wallet of choice for many of the world’s top mentalists!
Manufactured in high quality leather with a great attention to detail, the Assassin takes all the greatest elements from its predecessors and combines them to create something new and powerful!
This is truly the utility device for the mentalist. Carry the Assassin with you, and you will have a complete mentalism act in your pocket!
The Stealth Assassin Wallet V1.1 is a 2-way peek wallet (including the SUC peek with kind permission from Mark Strivings). The effects one can perform with the Assassin are virtually unlimited.
Among them are:
-Predict a driver’s license number.
-Predict a birthday.
-Predict a credit card number.
-Have a spectator write or draw anything on the back of a business card. The mentalist can then read the spectator’s mind and tell them what is on the business card, or the mentalist can choose to simply redraw what the spectator has drawn.
The Stealth Assassin wallet comes complete with over two hours of DVD instruction with the creator Peter Nardi and his trusty sidekick Marc Spelmann – the DVD features full routines, handling suggestions and peeking tips.
Please note that since the recording of the original DVD the Assassin wallet itself has undergone some very slight changes that we consider improvements. If you have any questions prior to ordering or if you are purchasing one as a replacement for an older version then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Reviews, Forum Links and Videos

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