A-Z Index
Here is a complete list of wallets, peek devices, coin holders and deck holders so far on this site. Buying the right one for YOU just got easier.
EACH WALLET HAS ITS OWN DESIGNATED PAGE where you will find descriptions, reviews, pictures and Youtube videos!
Last updated 6th February 2025.
Wallets added in February: Razor Card to Wallet by Josh Burch.
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AC Himber Wallet by Heinz Minten Magic
The Aficionado Fire Wallet & The Professional’s Fire Wallet by Murphy’s Magic
Aleph Wallet by Vernet
Alias by Colin McLeod
The Anything Wallet by Anthony Miller
Anthony Millers B K M Wallet
Apex Wallet by Thomas Sealey
Apogee Wallet by Christopher Taylor
The Badger by Anthony Miller
Bank Nite Wallet (economy and deluxe) locking wallet with 7 keys by TMGS
Barry Price Wallet by Barry Price and Owen Magic Supreme
Beta Wallet by Eric Mason
Black’s Card to Wallet by Blacks Magic
Blind Man’s Wallet by Menny Lindenfeld
Blink by Looch
Blink 2.0 by Looch
Bronzini’s Wallet
Burn-Thru by Supreme Magic
Chameleon Skin Wallet by Jim Steinmeyer and Vortex Magic
Caper-Case Unlimited by Ray Piatt
Card Holder with Hidden Pocket
Card to Wallet (Leather/Artificial Leather) by TCC
Card in Wallet (Balducci/Kaps)
Card to Hip Wallet by Keith Bennett
Card Cascade Wallet by Heinz Minten
Card Trick Holder Wallet by Heinz Minten
The Cassidy Wallet by Nakul Shenoy
Cerberus Wallet by Daniel Meadows
The Climax Wallet by Surya Kumar
The Complete Peek Wallet by Tony Miller
Comedy Mini Wallet by Tom Vorjohan
D.A.I. Wallet Set by Dickaro Tam
Deluxe Brain Wave Case
Don Wayne’s Animated ATM Wallet
Double Indexed Hip Wallet (like Heirloom wallet with 12 outs) by TMGS
Dice Thru Mirror by Magic Makers
Duvivier Wallet by Jeff Busby Magic
Dream Prediction Elite Version by Paul Romhany
E Wallet by Matthew Wright
Easy Money by Spencer Kennard
Eclipse by Taylor Imagineering
Essential Wallet by ProMystic
The Edge Wallet by TCC
Espionage Wallet by Alakazam
The Elite Himber Wallet
Extended Wallet 2.0 by LT Magic
EZ Wallet by Jerry O’Connell and PropDog
The Famous Jaks Wallet by JOL and Propdog
Fire Wallet 2.0 by Theatre Magic
Fire Wallet Elite by Heinz Minten Magic
Flick Wallet by Yuji Enei and Syouma
Flick! Wallet Plus by Tejinaya & Lumos
FPS Wallet by Brent Braun and The Magic Firm
Forbes Portfolio by Michael Forbes
The Force Wallet by Vortex Magic
Fourseen Wallet by Matthew Wright
F1 Nitro Wallet by Alakazam
The Gentleman Jack Gimmick by RAR and Alakazam
Greek Peek Wallet by Tony Antoniou
Hwallet by Henri Beaumont
Heirloom Wallet Deluxe
Hermes Wallet by Josh Janousky
Hip Shot Wallet
Hip Wallet by Jerry O’Connel & Propdog
The Hideout Wallet by Outlaw Effects
The Hi-Jak Wallet by Secret Tannery
The Hideout Wallet V2 by Outlaw Effects
Himber Wallet by Pyramid Gold
Himber Wallet by Quiver
Himbering Ways by Stephen Tucker
HOW Wallet (Hands Off Wallet) Harry Robson
Large Himber Wallet by Jerry O’Connell and PropDog
The Informant by Bobby Motta
ID by Steve Cook
The IDK Wallet by Tony Miller
JOL ID Case by Jerry O’Connell & Propdog
Infinity Wallet by Peter Nardi
Insight Wallet by Larry Becker
Insight Credit Card Wallet by Larry Becker
Instant ATW (Anything to Wallet) Rebooted by RSVP Magic
Into Wallet by TCC and Shadow Lin
Invisible Exchange Wallet by Magic Makers
Invisible Peek Wallet by Magic Makers
Isolation Wallet by Mark Mason
The Jameson Wallet by Iain Bailey
JPV Wallet by Jean-Pierre Vallarino
The Larry Peek Wallet by Mago Larry
Lynx Wallet 2.0 by Dee Christopher
The Le Paul Wallet by Heinz Mentin
The LePaul “Card in Wallet” (Larry Jennings Version) by Lee Noble
Magician’s Mentalism Wallet by Magic Makers
Magician’s Prediction Wallet – Pro Model by Magic Makers
Magic Wallet Deluxe by Magic Makers
The Magnum M3M Wallet by Outlaw Effects
Mastermind Wallet by Magic Makers
Mercury Card to Wallet by TMGS
Miller Miracle Wallet by Ray Piatt
Miller Miracle Wallet by Roy Miller and Dynamite Magic Shop
Mind Controller by Mark Thorold
Mini Switch Wallet 2 by Heinz Minten
Minimal Wallet by Alan Wong & Pablo Amira
Mini Himber Wallet by Jerry O’Connell and PropDog
Mini Himber Peek Wallet by Jerry O’Connell and PropDog
Mirage Wallet by Mark Mason
Modern Z Wallet Pro 2.0 by Patrick Kun
More Himbering Ways by Stephen Tucker
MS Fire Wallet by MS Magic
Mullica Wallet by Heinz Minten and Tom Mullica
Multi Wallet by Leo Smetsers
MUM Wallet by Sven Lee
Mini Duvivier Wallet (Leather) by Dominique Duvivier
No Choice Wallet by Mark Mason and Tony Miller
No Palm Wallet (Small) by Jerry O’Connell and Propdog
Nexus Wallet by Javier Fuenmayor
New Fire Wallet by Tora Magic
The Notebill by Jota
Orphic by The 1914 and Lewis Le Val
Open Triple Switch Wallet by Sven Lee
Pantera V2 by Outlaw Effects
Packet Wallet by Amor Magic
Packet Trick Wallet by Jerry O’Connell & Propdog
Parallel Wallet by Paul Carnazzo
Passenger Wallet by Plainsight Magic
The Peek Note Wallet by Secret Tannery
The Peek Wallet (Jak’s Style) by Secret Tannery
Peek Wallet of Elegance by Tom Phoenix
Perfect Fire Wallet by Viktor Voitko
Phantom Wallet by Sylvain VIP & Maxime Schucht & Marchand de Trucs
The Phantom of the Wallet by Peter Duffie and Martin Breese
Perfect Switch Wallet by Viktor Voitko
Pickpocket Passport Wallet by Gregory Wilson and Alan Wong
Pocket Star Himber Wallets (pocket size)
The Pimpernel Wallet by Heinz Minten
Pimpernel Plus Wallet by Sukesh Patnaik
Pimpernel Notecase by Peter Scarlett
Plastic Wallet
Plus Wallet by Jerry O’Connel & Propdog
Predator Wallet by R. Paul Wilson
Pro 4 Wallet by ProShow Magic
Pro Fire Wallet by Premium Magic
Pro Show Wallet by Pro Show Magic
Pro Peek Wallet+ by Gary James
Professional Peek Wallet by Leather Craft
Pyro Wallet V2 by Adam Wilber

Quatro Wallet by Eran Blizovsky
The Rebel Wallet by Secret Tannery
The Rebel Note Wallet by Secret Tannery
The Rebel Elite Wallet by Secret Tannery
The Real Man’s Speedloader by RFA Productions
Real Man’s Wallet by Steve Draun
The Radar Wallet by David Howarth
Razor Card to Wallet by Josh Burch
Razor Wallet by Dee Christopher
The Rogue’s Ultimate Magic Wallet by Scam Stuff
Sansminds Wallet (Hip Pocket Street Style/Suit Up Style 2 Piece)
Shadow Wallet by Dee Christopher
The Shelby Wallet by Gaz Lawrence
Sho-Gun Wallet by Jerry O’Connel & Propdog
Stealth Assassin Wallet (V1.1) by Peter Nardi and Marc Spelmann
Super Magnetic Himber Wallet by Alan Wong
Supernatural Swap Wallet by Hondo
The Shiva Wallet by Anthony Miller
The Sight Unseen Case (1 & 2) by Mark Strivings
Signed Card in Sealed Envelope in Sealed Wallet by Repro Magic
Slick by Alan Rorrison and Mark Mason
Swap Wallet (Himber Style) Plastic by Mr Magic
Superslim Hip Pocket Mullica by Paul Harris & Tim Trono
The Solstice Wallet by Christopher Taylor
Solari’s Wallet by Bob Solari
Speed Loader Plus Wallet by Tony Miller and Mason Mark
Ten Dollar Peek Wallet by Silvia Stjärna
Thought Transmitter Pro V3 by John Cornelius
Time Warp by Heinz Minten
Telethought Wallet by Chris Kenworthey
Ultra Telethought Wallet (Version 2) by Chris Kenworthey
The Terminator Wallet by Paul Wilson
Tom Burgoon’s Power Pickpocket Gimmick
Terry Seabrooke Signed Note In Wallet
Trinity Wallet by Matthew Wright
Untouchable Peek Case by Richard Busch
Ultimate Networking Tool by Jeff Kaylor and Anton James
The Viper Wallet 2 by Sylvain Vip & Maxime Schucht
The Vision Wallet by Chris Bolter
Vi$a Cabaret by Heinz Minten Magic
Wallet by Nicholas Lawrence
Wallet Wallop Trick by Hen Fetsch
The Worker’s Dream Harry Robson
Worker’s Dream Pocket Folio by Steve Cook and Paul McCaig
Weiser Wallet By Danny Weiser
Wild Wallet T-151 by Tenyo Magic
Wild Wallet T-192 by Tenyo Magic
Wowallet by Stephen Tucker
WOW Z by Katsuya Masuda
Z.A.P. Wallet by Diamond Jim Tyler
Z Fold Wallet (Locking) 2.0 by TCC
The Z-Fold Wallet by Jerry O’Connel & Propdog
Z Fold PLUS Wallet Trick by Mark Mason

Coin Holders, Deck Carriers and Everything Else
Coin Tidy by Jerry O’Connell and PropDog
Coin Trick Carrier by Meir Yedid
Coin Purse (Gold Frame – Small/Medium/Large) by Ton Onosaka
Coin Purse (Gold Frame – Mini) by Ton Onosaka
Coin Purse (Silver Frame – Large) by Ton Onosaka
Coin Purse 3.0 by TCC
Coin Purse by Heinz Minten
Coin Purse Vinyl by Magic by Gosh
Coin Purse Leather by Magic by Gosh
Coin Pouch by Heinz Minten Magic
Coin Wallet by Pro Show Magic
Coin Wallet by Ronjo Magic
Coin Box Wallet by Jeff Copeland
Deck Holder by Heinz Minten Magic
Dean’s Coin Wallet by Dean Dill & Alan Wong
Fire Coin Purse by Kikuchi
The Fooler Wallet by Eric Roumestan
FPS Coin Wallet by Brent Braun and The Magic Firm
The Gaff Satchel by Secret Tannery
Gold Edition Traveler by Jeff Copeland
The Himber Coin Purse by Jerry O’Connell and PropDog
Kueppers Coin Keeper by Roy Kueppers
Leather Coin Purse (Six Half Dollars/Six Dollar Versions) by Under Magic
Luxury Leather Playing Card Carrier by TCC
Mobius Coin Wallet by Anthony Miller
Pocket Portal by Samuel King
The Pro Carrier by Joshua Jay
Pro Carrier Deluxe by Joshua Jay
Quiver/Quiver Plus by Kelvin Chow
The Real Man’s Coin Wallet by Anthony Miller
Sansminds Worker’s Collection: Coin Pouch (Half Dollar Size – Beige/Red/Black)
Deluxe Nest of Wallets by Nick Einhorn and Alan Wong
Supreme Nest of Wallets V2 (Super Soft Deluxe Nest of Wallets) by Nick Einhorn and Alan Wong
Traveler by Jeff Copeland
Ultimate Nest of Wallets by Mark Traversoni and Saturn Magic
Ultimate Coin Purse by Rodger Lovins
Ultimate Rattle Purse by Michael Rubinstein
Zip Coin Purse by Jerry O’Connell and PropDog
Is there a wallet that you would like to see included on this site? Get in touch and let us know. Email us at